@ols Did you do something specific to it? Is it an injury or ongoing pain?
I ask because I had lower back pain and sciatic issues most of my life. What used to help me a lot was a few stretches I'd do in the morning and evening but it never really resolved it. Also you should try to reduce dairy/red meats as they're pretty inflammatory and that can cause pressure on nerves, etc.
Since going vegan 8 years ago I've had no back pain at all, I assume due to way less inflammation in my body. Not preaching veganism to you, just saying that's what worked for me.
@ptd Hah, for real!
This photo of the Bridge Fire in the hills behind Los Angeles speaks to the fact that we are in the midst of a cataclysm and the vast majority of people have no idea
Multiple analyses show that if Trump had simply invested his multi-million-dollar inheritance in an index fund and didn’t touch it, he’d be a lot richer than he is now.
Think about that. His entire life’s work has been less successful than if he’d done nothing.
@tedu I think I'll wait for reactions (yours!) of S3 then before giving new hours to the series.
Was on vacation last week. Did I miss anything good?
@tedu Is season 2 good? I watched S1 and I wasn't that in love with the series. I was surprised to see a new season, which was S3. I had no idea S2 even existed. I may give it another shot.
at a protocol level, the internet is only really capable of transmitting two types of data: TCP (True Crime Podcast) and UDP (Unlistenable D&D Podcast)
Lou Dog taking in the views... Happy weekend all.
#nicaragua #tropics
Wishing a happy birthday to my good friend @AndrewHacks! See you next week man!
9850 Americans or 0.0029% of Americans are worth $100M or more, and could be subject to Harris's 25% tax on unrealized gains.
265,200,000 Americans or 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
The people who might 'only' be worth $75M want to lecture working Americans struggling to get by on how difficult life might become for them.
"We just sent you a temporary code by email. It will expire in 2 minutes"
Are you kidding me? These days with all the grey-listing and anti-spam measures it could take an email much longer than 2 minutes to arrive... Who in their right mind coded that?
@xavier @blainsmith
$ go telemetry on
$ echo ' telemetry.go.dev' >> /etc/hosts
Let the games begin.
I'm slowly becoming that old dude with random long ass ear hairs and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
An SQL injection bug that lets you bypass airport security and even JUMP SEAT. Sure. This is great. I’m not having a heart attack or anything. TSA response is definitely also chef’s-kiss. *breathes into a paper bag* https://ian.sh/tsa
Oh dealing with AWS support is such a joy.
@whynothugo we're gluttons for punishment.
Shit you see on the streets of Managua, #Nicaragua.
Tesla: Other than showing off, there is no reason to have one of these in Nicaragua (currently anyway, no real infrastructure or replacement parts here for this)
Motorcycle: You see people carrying all sorts of crap on their motorcycles here. I've seen a mid sized fridge once. But this one, takes the cake.
Mike Masnick on Zuckerberg’s cowardly letter to Jim Jordan:
"The only actual “news” out of all this is (1) Zuckerberg has no spine and simply cannot stand up to bad faith government pressure to change his moderation practices when it comes from Republicans (he was fine doing so when it came from Democrats) and (2) Donald Trump has accused himself of rigging his own election against himself.”
@pronto Woah those are neat. I should look into those for our farm pre-rolls. We mostly sell rosin but we got some fire pre-rolls and hash holes too that would look cool in those.
@pronto @computerywar Hah. I think the rule of thumb is 1 tbsp for every cup. I generally use 6 tbsp for 7-8 cups of water. Tastes great.
Three days ago my #github account was apparently “flagged” (whatever that means).
I wasn’t notified about it. No email. No banner in my account. I only discovered it when a workflow I was testing wasn’t working and my signed commits were “unverified” because “no email address is associated with the committer”. A friend at work then told me my profile page 404’d.
8 hours later GitHub also deleted the codespace powering my GitHub pages-hosted website, taking it offline.
How come we never hear media report that in the year prior to 10/7—Hamas killed 250 Israeli civilians, kidnapped 800 Israeli kids, took 8000 Israelis hostage, & built more than 12,000 homes on Israeli land?
You know why?
Because Hamas did none of those things. In reality, in the year prior to 10/7, the Israeli Govt killed 250 Palestinian civilians, kidnapped 800 Palestinian kids, took 8000 Palestinians hostage, & built 12,000+ homes on Palestinian land.
But go on—pretend this all began 10/7.
Switzerland goes all-in on open source!
Switzerland pioneers a decision mandating all government software be released as open source: enhancing transparency and security.w
Public money, public code 🚀
#OpenSource #DigitalSovereignty #GovernmentTech @fsfe
@icy Apple appears to be trying to tell you something.
@ols Eyyyy new icon dropped on my side now
@knapjack also accidentally bonked your reply hah. Oops
@knapjack Hah, I feel you
@petersanchez That's good to hear.
I don't love wires but I like batteries less. 😂
@crft Well I live here so I'm always around. Drew I think is staying 6 months (he's renting an apartment). Yea, it's not terribly expensive to travel here.
@knapjack I have that kb (bluetooth version) and it's great! I use it when traveling mostly but it's a very nice kb.
@crft No, I didn't end up in OC. I wouldn't choose to live in the OC lol.
What will we get up to? Drinking, beaches, and coding. About it.
Sunset and sunrise views from the hills in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.
@AndrewHacks @crft You'll never do it. Though happy you have your flight booked for next week. Maybe Craft should come down and hang for a week or so too.
Also when Drew says 12 miles from the beach in LA, he means K-Town to Santa Monica. Aka, top 5 worst drives in the US. Then you gotta beach in Santa Monica which usually isn't that great due to tourist crowds.
I used to live in Cerritos and would shoot down to HB several mornings a week to surf. I loved it. Took about 25 minutes to get there and the drive back was usually easy. If there was traffic I could take the streets.
I just cut the line at living in OC. I may be a mile or two from the county border but f*ck living in OC.
That's your wife?
Curb Your Enthusiasm is the funniest show ever. Fight me.
New coffee mug just dropped.
What a time to be alive.
@ols @icy Yea, manual query shows the right photo URL and the image loads. So I guess once caches start expiring it'll show up.
@icy @ols Sorry just seeing this but icy is correct. And yes the files go in the <datadir>/memes folder. Here's what my profile looks like:
@icy Nice
@icy Awesome! Glad you enjoyed it. Yea, the story could have been tuned up a bit and you could pretty much see where things were heading from mid-way but I just found the entire process so much fun to watch. I was scared a few times where I sort of jumped in my seat. Love when a movie can do that!
Plus the Nicholas Cage character was so damn creepy.
Randomly remembering the time I was walking down Venice Beach with my daughters and my buddy and his kids were with us. Enjoying the amazing SoCal weather when all of a sudden, a seagull drops a giant turd right on his eyeball.
Myself, and the kids, couldn't stop laughing even though he was in obvious pain. I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. He had to get antibiotics and everything. Good times were had by all... well except my friend and his eyeball but the rest of us had a great day.
@jpmens From my insight as an American I think the vast majority know he's a moron. The problem is, he (claims to) represent something they agree heavily with. Lower taxes, Christian values, immigrants, racism, etc.
Still, it does seem like more and more Trump voters in 2016 will not be voting for him this year. I hope anyway.
But then again, the US never ceases to disappoint me so...
@knapjack @icy Yea, we still have one domain hosting on DBE. It's just got so much history that migrating off of it is a pain in the ass. Especially with the daily transfer limits they impose to prevent this.
@pronto Pretty neat dude!
@knapjack @icy Those are the things the ruined email for me, so in the terminal is a nice escape from today's email.
Sad how many companies send an email without a text/plain part.
@veganeasy Thanks for the reply! Pretty hard to beat tofu scramble burritos with some potatoes, bell peppers and mushrooms mixed in. I think I'll start throwing those into the mix.
@jaystephens Yea this is fairly similar to my oats I have pre gym session. Was thinking of just a bigger portion of the same oats but with protein powder mixed in. Probably pretty delicious. Thanks for the reply!
@mthx Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I live in Nicaragua and most of those items are not available. However a good tofu toast may be a good starting point. Thanks!
Hey #vegan fediverse folk. What's your go to breakfast for after a gym session that is NOT a smoothie? Preferably high in protein and carbs (I like power lifting).
Just looking for ideas to switch things up a bit. Decades of smoothies is starting to turn me off.
Please help me with a boost (bonk) so I can get all the gains. Thanks!
#fitness #nutrition #sumoischeating
“Go 1.23 is released” by @dmitshur — https://go.dev/blog/go1.23
@icy I hear you. It's just so convenient + fast for me I can't imagine moving to a GUI client
@icy Please let me know your thoughts once you've seen it. My daughter and I are horror fans and are usually bored of the latest stuff coming out. Pretty refreshing how much we both enjoyed the movie.
Realizing I never honk'd about the movie Long Legs. Go watch it! It's one of the best of that genre that I've seen in a while. Nick Cage was actually amazing. Such a creepy performance.
I rarely go to the cinema to re-watch a movie but I think I'll do that once it arrives here in Nicaragua next week.
@icy I know you want GUI but after using mutt for decades I recently switched to aerc and I gotta say, I love it.
@icy @tedu hah yea, makes sense.
@knapjack @icy @tedu You're telling me I've been using chop sticks all this time and I shouldn't have been?
@icy Hah, when I first started honking I pulled in patches from you and others and it was sort of painful merging but it's been like a year or so since I merged anything from the outside and @tedu has incorporated most of what I wanted anyway so now it's pretty painless to update my fork.
@icy I can see you like living on the edge.
Olympic Australian break dancing has provided some of the best meme material I've seen in a while. Well done to my peeps down under.
@tedu @knapjack Ah, looks like I already migrated to file storage back when it was first introduced into the code base. My history file shows I've already ran it.
@novalis@honk.novalis.org Sounds like a plan!
It is now Wikipedia official, after a long and painful debate.
It is a genocide.
Sidebar: and it is so, because the US has ensured that it will continue to be funded and will do everything in its power to let it continue.
@novalis@honk.novalis.org ouch! How often do you re-read previous books to keep it fresh?
@knapjack @tedu Sooo we have to run ./honk extractblobs
after building?
@knapjack Really? I'll have to look for it. I'm sure I can get it
@icy @tedu OK cool. I'll add it for my next read. I need a break from all the biographies I've been reading.
@icy @tedu Sounds like I actually need to read Patrick Rothfuss. Suggested starting point?
@inwit @tootadyneLPD jaja!
I'm so annoyed (I know I shouldn't be) that Phillip Pullman has yet to finish his Book of Dust trilogy. I've been waiting for the 3rd book for 5 years now.
I think I'll re-read the His Dark Materials trilogy again because it's been quite a while since I last read those and maybe it'll help shut me up about the current delay.
@knapjack Hah, neat. I was really just joking anyway but it feels like nearly every *nix based screenshot in the last 20ish years must have the matrix effect
Can we go ahead and retire the matrix effect terminal in screenshots yet?
JD Vance was welcomed today in Reno to campaign by a large 🤭 🤭 couch and a sign that says call-me with a kissy lip😜 😂 🤭
@AndrewHacks Went with Vodka soda for this one bug solved it quicker than I thought hah.
annnddd.... solved.
Traveling home to Nicaragua today. Was hoping to just drink casually on the planes but I've got a damn invoice/ledger/edge case bug I can't f'n track down. So now I will drink heavily until I find the damn cause.
Chips & Guac is the best lunch.
Oh and of course also shown is Gianna Bryant, Kobe's kid who passed away with him in the helicopter crash :(
Mural in Artesia, CA (LA County) showing LA legends.
- Tommy Lasorda
- Kobe Bryant
- Nipsey Hustle
- Vin Scully
#losangeles #california #westisbest
To folks who manage #Kubernetes—be it at home or at work—I have a few questions for you.
- What are your biggest annoyances with running Kubernetes?
- And if you use a managed Kubernetes service, what do you like/dislike about it?
- And finally, do you see value in being able to bring your own VMs/bare-metal machines as the workers, and have only the control plane be managed?
I'd really appreciate boosts!
@ptd My phone has 16gb. It's madness.
Another reason to not use GitHub:
@tedu wtf is whoa?
@AndrewHacks You know I didn't. That's now how #honknet works my friend.
@john @icy Sad but true.
@icy I see you've already moved on to VaultWarden but I personally like KeePassXC and just sync the file via Dropbox (lame but I haven't setup a replacement yet) to my phone. Works great. Plus I can setup secret-tool
to get passwords from it as well.
Fun time hanging with @AndrewHacks yesterday. I thought we'd break out the laptops and get a coding session going at some point but no, we just drank beers all day and talked shit.
Just curious, does anyone out there actually like House of Dragons?
Gentle reminder and request.
We are all going to see a lot of inflammatory, viral, racist, sexist libelous shit over the next months.
Your rage is what they want. They want you to dunk on it, repost it with your hot takes, and spread it.
Deny them the free publicity and platform. Please don't link, quote, or share that stuff.
Let it wither in darkness and loneliness.
Sunlight may be the best disinfectant when facts are in play, but this is influence. Repeating lies spreads them.
Check your registration.
(link to Texas
@bascule Exactly why I have to think twice every time I donate. Especially to CA pols.
It's a great point 👉 👉👇
A new drug described as “the closest we have ever been to an HIV vaccine” could be sold for $40 a year and still make 30% profit, but is currently being sold by pharma companies for $42,250. Absolutely criminal.
The new trend in 2024 is serverlessless: writing webapps without serverless.
Alpine 3.20.2 released
This release includes various bug fixes and security updates, including a security fix with low severity for OpenSSL CVE-2024-5535
SUPACELL on #Netflix is f'n amazing.
@knapjack I rarely go back more than 30 days and if it's missing it'll just re-download (I believe) so.. either way, not a big deal for me.
CONFIRMED: Cyber trucks are uglier in person.