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Father, tattooed Python and Go geek, surfer, lover of *BSDs, Linux, heavy barbells, and Soccer nut! More at https://petersanchez.com

petersanchez honked 25 Jul 2024 14:21 +0000

Fun time hanging with @AndrewHacks yesterday. I thought we'd break out the laptops and get a coding session going at some point but no, we just drank beers all day and talked shit.

petersanchez honked 24 Jul 2024 19:05 +0000

Just curious, does anyone out there actually like House of Dragons?

petersanchez bonked 24 Jul 2024 18:54 +0000
original: pseudonym@mastodon.online

Gentle reminder and request.

We are all going to see a lot of inflammatory, viral, racist, sexist libelous shit over the next months.

Your rage is what they want. They want you to dunk on it, repost it with your hot takes, and spread it.

Deny them the free publicity and platform. Please don't link, quote, or share that stuff.

Let it wither in darkness and loneliness.

Sunlight may be the best disinfectant when facts are in play, but this is influence. Repeating lies spreads them.

petersanchez honked 20 Jul 2024 14:48 +0000

Guess who got stuck in the #CrowdStrike airport madness yesterday? THIS GUY!

Houston was a shit show. Luckily only delayed me 3 hours so I guess it could have been worse.

Anyway, it's nice to be home in #LA for the next couple of weeks.

petersanchez honked back 17 Jul 2024 21:01 +0000
in reply to: https://mastodon.social/users/crft/statuses/112803578237282992

@crft Ah, never used setup-desktop. I just use setup-xorg-base and install the shit I want from there. And yea, I hate graphical login screens (ie, elogind), so I prefer to login normally and startx to run X when I want to.

Reading the setup-desktop code for sway it does indeed seem to install wayland so not sure. I've never used Wayland or Sway (though I believe Sway is i3 ported to Wayland, right?)

petersanchez honked back 17 Jul 2024 18:49 +0000
in reply to: https://mastodon.social/users/seaks/statuses/112802897294817257

@AndrewHacks @seaks Since I'm an American immigrant living in Nicaragua, I'll answer what the local "expat" groups on FB say about this.

Apparently if you're not permanently living in a location (ie, you plan to maybe one day move back to your own country or to another country) then you are an expat. If you plan to live in your new country permanently then you are an immigrant.

Yes, it's totally vague and completely stupid. But this is expat logic. BTW, this is agreed upon by American, British, European expats as well. So I think it's a Western thing. Not limited to American stupidity, which I admit we have plenty of.

petersanchez bonked 17 Jul 2024 16:30 +0000
original: filippo@abyssdomain.expert

age has a recipient abstraction and a corresponding plugin system that lets custom recipient types be implemented in any language over an stdin/stdout protocol.

We now have both Go and Rust frameworks to easily use and implement plugins. I'm really pleased with how well the plugin protocol maps to the native interfaces, making the frameworks very natural.

You can turn a Recipient/Identity implementation into a plugin CLI with 15 lines of code.

More in today's Dispatch. https://words.filippo.io/dispatches/age-plugins/?source=Mastodon

petersanchez honked 17 Jul 2024 15:00 +0000

Sick chronicles: I feel way better today, I think I'll go to the office. I'm also proof that a grown man can act like a toddler when hit with just a mid/light cold.

petersanchez honked 16 Jul 2024 21:16 +0000

Sick chronicles: Currently in that time window where the effects of my last dosage are wearing off but it's not quite time yet to take my next dosage so I feel shitty but not that shitty but can feel the real shitty feeling approaching. It's shitty to feel this way.

petersanchez bonked 16 Jul 2024 21:03 +0000
original: palin@mastodon.social

Did you know that you can directly oppose the Heritage Foundation? As a 501c3 corporation, the Heritage Foundation is not allowed to participate in politics, let alone publish political manifestos. You can download Project 2025 pdf from the website and attach it to IRS Form 13909 and challenge their tax exempt status.
Here's their EIN # 23-7327730

petersanchez honked 16 Jul 2024 14:52 +0000

Been sick for a couple of days so decided to watch The Net (1995). Probably been 25 years since I've watched this. Decided to try some of the commands she runs in her UNIX shell. Sadly whois cyberbob didn't return any info. Lies. All lies.

petersanchez honked 10 Jul 2024 22:24 +0000

Euros 2024 semifinals have not disappointed. 2 great matches.

I don't really care who wins but Spain looks like they'd beat Argentina right now if they faced off. Maybe we'll see that if both teams win their tourneys.

petersanchez honked 10 Jul 2024 18:48 +0000

Yesterday I learned they're making a sequel to Devil Wears Prada and I'm not embarrassed to admit that I can't f'n wait! Love that flick haha.
